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North Head transfer to Maunga Authority brought forward

Flagstaff Team


The transfer of Mangauika/North Head from DoC to the Tupuna Maunga Authority could happen as early as 1 July 2018.

It had been anticipated the handover would occur in 2021/22, said a report to the authority tabled on Monday.

Following the Maunga Authority hui, a paper was to go to the Auckland Council Governing body on 27 June, recommending the transfer proceeds.

A letter from Auckland Council to Maunga Authority chair Paul Majuery on 18 May says agreement between council and DoC had been reached. It involves a payment by DoC in recognition of deferred asset-maintenance costs, and a further two years of management by the Department under the direction of the Authority to June 30, 2020.

This includes further contributions to maintenance costs and staff time.

No mention at this stage is made of any vehicle bans on the mountain.

Source: June 1 2018 edition of Devonport Flagstaff. Read online.